Baby belly henna

Baby belly henna

Today I had the opportunity to do one of my favorite gigs – a baby belly henna design at a belly blessing ceremony / henna party in Ann Arbor, Michigan. مراهنات كرة القدم The pregnant belly is such a beautiful canvas. Today all the ladies there were incredibly nice and complimentary. كيف تفوز في روليت

The design she choose was a large mandala flower and she wanted to incorporate orchid lady slipper flowers in the design, too. تعليم البوكر للمبتدئين I suggested we place one on either side of her belly, and she just loved it. The orchid design is a replication of her mother’s lady slipper orchid tattoo so that was really special. All the other ladies at the party got simple henna designs done so they could carry a piece of the ceremony with them as they left.

Hrre are the pictures of the baby belly henna

Baby belly henna Michigan, pregnancy henna, henna artist Michigan, belly tattoo

Baby belly henna design in progress

Baby belly henna design

Baby belly henna design

Baby belly henna design, henna Michigan, henna tattoo artist, flower henna, orchid henna

Orchid and mandala henna tattoo

Baby shower, henna party, belly blessing ceremony, henna, baby belly henna

Belly blessing ceremony henna designs