Many of my henna designs are inspired by nature – hibiscus flowers, vines, daisies, water, succulents, dahlias, peacocks, feathers etc. I like to make what nature gives us as inspiration and make it more fantastical in my henna designs. Today’s feature is nature-inspired art to reference many design elements in nature that inspire us all.

henna tree design on ribcage at the henna salon
This adorable Micro Marimo moss in a glass gourd by MyZen is a cool display and has an interesting story: “About Marimo Balls:
These delightful little balls of algae also called Cladophora originate in Lake Akan Japan. They are revered and adopted as “pets” in Japanese homes and offices and are believed to bring good luck. Marimo name is derived from Mari meaning “bouncy play ball” and “mo” meaning underwater plant in Japanese.” Neat!
Shadow boxes make a great frame for art. But what’s more beautiful than something nature has designed? -nada! Gaze at the loveliness of nature with this air plant terrarium and hand-built shadow box by MIDNIGHTinSEATTLE .
Happiknits brings us a lovely knit chartreuse cowl that has a cozy, mossy feel as well as being quite stylish.
A natural, beautiful stone is mystic topaz. Passionate Jewelry sets mystic topaz in a great silver bezel to create this unique ring.
This nature-inspired origami lotus flower by Fish & Lotus is crafted so perfectly that you almost don’t realize its made of paper! These would be great as wedding favors or given as a gift.
I will admit, if I owned this incredible miniature terrarium necklace by Woodii I would wear it EVERYDAY.. Between the small pebbles at the bottom, the variety of moss and the adorable cork stopper, this pendant has en entire little slice of nature in an adorable glass vile.
If you want the more traditional yet elaborate nature display in your house, these succulent terrariums by Another World Plants and Terrariums is the way to go. I have a soft spot for terrariums with succulents because there’s just something so cool about moss and succulents mixed together. <3
Another great mini collection of nature is this moss, lichen & citrine filled rectangle glass pendant made by fawn . Ideal to “keep nature close to your heart”
Mojo Spa Style brings us this ahhhhdorable stylish accessory that has almost limitless potential for where it can be placed. Its a made-to-order, crocheted flower pin that is a must-have accessory in your collection.
If all this nature has inspired you to get into the terrarium lifestyle, then pick up this air plant zen garden terrarium kit by Xerces Art . Easy to care for, the air plant inside “requires little attention and happily sits amongst the other items in the terrarium.” Perfect for first-time terrarium owners.