Garden love

Garden love

corkscrew vine, shell vine


Gosh I cannot wait to have my garden this year. I’ve become so enthralled with it. I can’t wait to get my hands dirty in the warm soil and see my plants come to life! Next week I am building my raised beds *weather permitting* and hoop house that will extend my growing season and keep my babies safe. I want to have a farm when I have all the time in the world to devote to it and educate people about how cool farming is and that growing your own food is as rewarding as it can get!!


Respecting our Earth

Respect of our Earth.. we only get one.

Its important to know where your food comes from. Simply put: hormones and pesticides = bad  . organic and fresh = good. 

Is that so hard? I know mass produced foods need to exist for those who cannot grow their own foods… but can’t those foods be treated with respect and grown in a way that their genetics and original structures are not modified in a lab? And can’t we figure out a way to preserve our foods from insects without harmful chemicals and pesticides? There are other ways to make bugs and pests go away with natural elements instead of chemicals.

Examples are here: 

And hormones in food? do we realize what we put on and in our foods, go on and inside of our bodies ?? If we realize this, do most people even care? I am shocked to find when I bring this up to most people, they are not phased by it or even want to discuss it. I guess its a out of sight out of mind situation?

But if everything that was out of sight was out of mind, wouldn’t we be in a huge mess? I am thankful that there are individuals in the world who refuse, no matter how frustrated or beat down they get, to fight for change and keep up the up-hill struggle for what’s right. 

I can’t ignore my feelings anymore about animal rights, the injection of hormones and genetic modifications . From being inspired by my friend Steve, Nathan and learning more and more about the treatment of animals and the production of food, I must also fight the good fight and educate people about the real harm that is coming from the lack of respect of all things. 

We must respect all life forms around us by using common sense and the golden rule. Its not is a difficult thing to do.


kimya_dawson_: The Case FOR Breastfeeding.



I <3 NATURE too. Its TOTALLY NATURAL to breastfeed. its not for every woman, but I couldn’t imagine a better way to bond with your child than breastfeeding. Why is the majority of women today becoming so uninterested in being and embracing motherhood? Why are they becoming stones ? Why are they too self-involved to “inconvenience” themselves for their loved ones? 


What is going  on? Let’s rethink and get back to what’s important: love and happiness.. not selfishness and bitterness



Organic Consumers Association



This website is a great resource for organic planning, gardening, parenting, clothing etc. Just great to have sites like this to go to and find some many people in this world trying to make a difference. 










   Organic Consumers Association .

The White House- Spring Gardening

The White House- Spring Gardening


Michelle Obama is having a garden at the White House and the vegetables will be prepared in the White House kitchen and delivered to

the local homeless shelters. <3



The White House – Blog Post – Spring Gardening.