Another LOVELY pair of Dear Golden shoes..
Ladies *(and gentlemen if there are gentlemen that peruse this blog), I once again have found an AMAZING pair of shoes from my favorite vintage shop: Dear Golden here in Ypsilanti. Some of you may remember these shoes I bought for a wedding. I now am IN the wedding of a great friend and we were tasked with finding our own bridesmaid dress, shoes etc. and I was jazzed for the opportunity. The only perimeters was it needed to be a pastel sundress. Any pattern, brand or color choice was up to us as long as it fell into the pastel/sundress category. When my friend told us the requirements my brain was like: “You mean, I get to be apart of your big day and you’re giving me an excuse to buy a dress I’ll actually WEAR AGAIN??!?… OKAY!”
Soooo. what did I do? Of course I directed myself to contact my go-to lady team of “people who let me buy their lovely items” : THREADBEAT and Dear Golden . Rebecca Tanner-Russell , the wonder woman behind THREADBEAT created a beautifully detailed sundress for me to wear in the wedding. (You’ll have to wait for pictures of that) After the dress arrived and fit perfectly, I found the necklace I’ll be wearing at a cute resale shop in Grand Rapids for $6!
After that, I set my sights on Dear Golden for my shoes. Shoes are always tough for me to buy for a few reasons:
1. I don’t like to spend a lot of money on shoes
2. I need COMFORTABLE shoes
3. I would like them to be well made
4. I don’t like to support mass made shoes
5. I’d like them to be somewhat stylish
(Do you see how #s 2-5 contradict with #1??? yeah, so now you know why it’s tough)
Annnyways, all of this to say why I am very ,very happy with my new (to me) Italian leather janes

mmmmm…. shoes
YAY! I’ll post pictures of the complete outfit when they all come together in a perfect harmony.