UntamedMenagerie – Modern Art Accessories
The feature today is UntamedMenagerie – Penny & Nikki – a mother & daughter creative team that specializes in making whimsical, wearable modern art accessories.
Here’s the Q&A with UntamedMenagerie :
►Where do you get your inspiration? — We are inspired by so many things, but our primary inspiration comes from nature and architecture. sportfogadás online An unexpected influence is music. sportfogadás tippek naponta The music we listen to while designing can sway us from edgy to sweet or from subtle to bold. játékok nyerőgépes
►What is your creative process? — A design usually starts as a sketched doodle that Nikki both adds to and takes from until the paper is completely smudged and worn thin. When we are satisfied with the design, it is scanned to her computer where she cleans up the image so she can resize and perfect the lines and curves before cutting the test piece. From sketch to finish, this usually takes around 2-3 weeks. We’ve had some breakthroughs where we have worn the finished piece just days after the idea came, and at least half a dozen that we have been working on for more than a year. In-progress designs hang all around while we wait for ideas to spark until a piece feels complete — and wearable. Sometimes a design may not be practical for wear and we choose to start over.
►What’s your favorite item you make? — Nikki’s favorite is Triple Threat (a very industrial feeling three finger ring). Penny loves the Eccentric bangles best.
►What’s your artistic philosophy? — We create what we love. We’re whimsical, bold, and quirky. We want to make you smile.
►When did you start creating? — We began making jewelry together in 2005. Nikki previously worked as a seamstress; Penny dabbled in interior design.
►What’s the future for your business? — We hope to expand our business to include household items and large wall art, and we want to explore different mediums and learn new techniques. It has long been our dream to open a brick and mortar shop to display our work as well as that of other artisans.