by Kelly | Jul 27, 2014 | art, Henna, Henna Party designs, Henna Tattoos Michigan, Michigan henna tattoo, tattoo
Tattoo design ideas by Kelly Caroline Henna Art – Henna Michigan
See these designs as tattoos here
Here are some tattoo design ideas I have sketched up. If you fall for one of these and have it done as a tattoo, I’d love to see a picture!
mandala henna tattoo design by Michigan henna artist Kelly Caroline
feather tattoo design with 7 chakra symbol tattoo
Here are two pictures of lovely ladies who have had this floral design of mine done as a permanent tattoo.
henna style floral tattoo by Kelly Caroline permanently done
tattoo design by Kelly Caroline – Michigan henna artist
henna elephant tattoo mandala design by Kelly Caroline Henna Michigan
floral mandala jewelry tattoo design by Kelly Caroline Henna Michigan
henna style flower tattoo design by Kelly Caroline Henna Michigan
henna mandala tattoo design by Kelly Caroline Michigan henna artist