Christmas Cookie Party!
As a henna artist, I fair well. As a chef, however, I do not. This year I thought I would try my hand at the latter. I had a cookie exchange party for a few of my friends & family. We had some AMAZING cookies and the food I made even went over well.
I made a mac & cheese muffin recipe, a nutty-sweet brie & spinach cheese swirls and a cheese plate I am PARTICULARLY proud of on my Katie Brown cheese plate.
The cookies that were made were just too good. We had double chocolate peppermint cookies, chocolate chip, sugar cookies, nanaimo bars (which won Best Tasting of the evening) , cannoli, Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake that my husband had delivered here, snowball cookies, snickerdoodles, peanut butter cookies dipped in chocolate and rolled in peanuts etc etc etc YUMM!!
Singing carols & eating yummy treats with your friends and family REALLY makes the holidays come alive. I just love this time of the year .
Without further adieu.. here are the pictures to feast your eyes on: