Here is a list of ideas of things you can do while on bed rest. Since I am on bed rest (and have been since October 20th, I have contemplated the pros & cons of it a lot)
We’ll start with the CONS, since ending with the PROS makes things better =)
* can’t go anywhere besides the Dr. .. you’re life revolves around the Dr’s office.
* Not knowing what day it is because it doesn’t matter either way
* Not being able to get up to fix something I.E. : A burned out light bulb you’ve been staring at for weeks 0.0
* When you do get up, your feet tingle from a crazy sensation they haven’t felt in a while -( blood flow … )
* No sexual activity – that’s a no brainer in the CONS category.
* asking everyone for everything
(i’m sure I could think of more, but you get the idea)
* appreciating the outdoors more than ever before!
* not having to go out in freezing weather
* not having to run errands
* people expecting your house to be dirty
* if you have cable, you can veg in front of the TV all day and everyone is happy you’re doing it!
* people come to see you, which is awesome
* video games are pretty awesome
So i can think of more pros, too.. but I want to get to the point of new activities to do while on bed rest..
Since your bed is now your dining room, craft table, sleeping area, couch, entertainment area & personal grooming center, there are a few dos & don’t first.
DO- have these items by your bed side : an interesting book, a pair of scissors (trust me), water w/ a straw, your vitamins & nightly routine stuff, CHAPSTICK, a pen & some paper, & your wallet
DO – keep your sheets as CRUMB FREE as humanly possible
DO – shower as often as possible
DO – make your bed (if you can) every so often… giving a little fresh start
DEW – Move the bed into the most social area of the house
DO- Change your clothes every day, like a normal person =)
DONT – use paint in the bed…
DONT – call ppl everyday just to chat.. no one likes that
DONT – spill anything on the bed.. remember – its your WHOLE WORLD .. get spaghetti sauce everywhere? now your WHOLE WORLD is covered in a red, oily sauce .. get used to it
DONT- keep updating and refreshing Facebook every 2 minutes.. nothing is THAT interesting..
So recent activities I have found to keep occupied while on bed rest:
– reading magazines has become a great past time.
– reading informational books ( Fiction books make me really sleepy since I’m not learning anything)
– doing paper crafts
-admire a Christmas Tree and have all the interesting-looking ornaments hung where you can see them
– write out thank-you notes or any other tedious activity that you may have been putting off.
-play Catch Phrase!
– Instead of just zoning on the TV, play this game I made up – Go back and forth with someone going A-Z down the alphabet while watching tv. When you get to the next letter, you have no name something that is CURRENTLY on the screen with that letter.. GOOD LUCK WITH X & Z…
– learn which commercials annoy you so you can have MUTE on standby
– do some online shopping, or online Window Shopping..
– catch up on some movies you have been missing or meaning to watch
– draw!! everyone should draw
– play the tambourine
– invite people over for a sleepover (doesn’t matter how old you are)
– put a photo album together
– organize anything you can put in your lap.
– RESEARCH EVERYTHING YOU THINK ABOUT !! so much time on your hands, get a little smarter everyday..
– update your blog with stuff barely anyone will read
with anything you do, take your time and put care into it, even if its writing out a check to the power company because, let’s face it – what else do you have to do??
Paper Crafts!!